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Revista Iberoamericana de Enfermería Comunitaria


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Gestor de Manuscritos
V Congreso Internacional y XI Nacional de AEC - VI Encuentro Nacional de Tutores y Residentes de EFyC
Comunicación (Nº 735)
Revisiones de la literatura (bibliográficas, guías de práctica clínica o protocolos que incluyan el nivel de evidencia de las recomendaciones)
Breastfeeding care and the influences of health professionals beliefs, attitudes and roles.
Estudiantes de Grado
[1] Alba Sukia, Ainhoa
[2] López De Dicastillo, Olga
[3] Mujika Zabaleta, Agurtzane
[4] Belintxon Martín, Maider
Presentado por:
Introducción, breve justificación y objetivos
Breastfeeding has nutritional, immunological, socioeconomic, and emotional benefits, and it is also relevant for making the parents and the whole family participate on the baby’s health. Therefore, breastfeeding could be seen as a health promotion activity. Nurses, who play a key role on it, are the ones who work with mothers and babies in the community, and have a major role in breastfeeding promotion. They are also reliable sources of information and support for them. However, weaning happens very often and professionals’ attitudes and roles may have something to do with this. The objective of this study is to examine professionals’ attitudes and roles towards breastfeeding, using the findings of a review of the literature, to find out how these might be interfering in breastfeeding care.
La revisión:
- Tipo de revisión.
- Fuentes.
- Criterios de inclusión/exclusión, criterios de calidad metodológica.
- Estrategia de búsqueda (cadena de búsqueda, filtros, etc.).
- Tipo de análisis
- Breve descripción de los resultados de la búsqueda (número de artículos revisados y aceptados).
An integrative review of the literature was done. The selected databases were MEDLINE, Cinahl and PsycINFO in EBSCO. A total of 150 articles were found, of which 9 were finally selected. No limits were introduced for this search.
The findings show that, professionals see breastfeeding as a choice, and that they have interventionist and paternalistic approaches. Professionals provide advice to mothers based on professional or personal experiences especially when they lack knowledge regarding breastfeeding. The literature describes the lack of communication among the different professionals who care for the women who are breastfeeding, time constraints due to high workload, and hospital policies that do not support health professionals, as problems that health professionals face to better care for breastfeeding.
Conclusiones: coherencia (revisión sistemática vs narrativa), utilidad, aplicabilidad y reproductibilidad.
This review shows that professionals’ roles and attitudes towards breastfeeding are not always that positive. All in all, organisational aspects, the level of breastfeeding knowledge and teamwork, seem to influence breastfeeding care, and therefore, should be taken into account when promoting breastfeeding.
Referencias bibliográficas
-Anstey, E. H. (2014). Factors related to the professional management of early breastfeeding problems: Perspectives of lactation consultants. Dissertation Abstracts International, 75(4–B(E)).
-Anstey, E. H., Coulter, M., Jevitt, C. M., Perrin, K. M., Dabrow, S., Klasko-Foster, L. B., & Daley, E. M. (2017). Lactation Consultants’ Perceived Barriers to Providing Professional Breastfeeding Support. Journal of Human Lactation, 34(1), 51-67.
-Christmals, C. D., Gross, J. J. (2017). An integrative literature review framework for postgraduate nursing research reviews. European Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 5(1), 7-15.
Fie, S., Norman, I. J., While, A. E. (2011). The relationship between physicians’ and nurses’ personal physical activity habits and their health-promotion practice: A systematic review. Health Education Journal, 72, 102–119.
-Flood, J. L. (2017). Breastfeeding Supports and Services in Rural Hawaii: Perspectives of Community Healthcare Workers. Nursing Research and Practice, 1–14.
-Furber, C. M., & Thomson, A. M. (2007). Midwives in the UK: an exploratory study of providing newborn feeding support for postpartum mothers in the hospital. Journal Of Midwifery & Women’s Health, 52(2), 142–147.
- Mujika, A., Arantzamendi, M., Lopez-Dicastillo, O., Forbes, A. (2017). Health professionals’ personal behaviours hindering health promotion: A study of nurses who smoke. Journal of Advanced Nursing 73(11), 1-9.
-Sigman-Grant, M., & Kim, Y. (2016). Breastfeeding Knowledge and Attitudes of Nevada Health Care Professionals Remain Virtually Unchanged over 10 Years. Journal of Human Lactation, 32(2), 350–354.
-Strong, G. (2013). Barriers to breastfeeding during the neonatal period. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 19(4), 134–138.
-Taylor, A. M., & Hutchings, M. (2012). Using video narratives of women’s lived experience of breastfeeding in midwifery education: exploring its impact on midwives’ attitudes to breastfeeding. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 8(1), 88–102.
-Tennant, R., Wallace, L. M., & Law, S. (2006). Barriers to breastfeeding: a qualitative study of the views of health professionals and lay counsellors. Community Practitioner?: The Journal of the Community Practitioners’ & Health Visitors’ Association, 79(5), 152–6.
-Victora, C. G., Bahl, R., Barros, A. J. D., França, G. V. A., Horton, S., Krasevec, J., … Richter, L. (2016). Breastfeeding in the 21st century: Epidemiology, mechanisms, and lifelong effect. The Lancet, 387(10017), 475–490.
-While, A. E. (2014). Are nurses fit for their public health role? International Journal of Nursing Studies, 51(9), 1191–1194.
-Wieczorek, C. C., Marent, B., Dorner, T. E., & Dür, W. (2016). The struggle for inter-professional teamwork and collaboration in maternity care: Austrian health professionals’ perspectives on the implementation of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative. BMC Health Services Research, 16, 91.

Palabras clave
Breastfeeding, health professionals, professional role, professional attitudes.

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